In the midst of heavy rains that fall,
Or under the harshest sun’s intense enthrall,
There is a warmth that never dies,
In the comforting embrace of chai’s wise.
Brewed with spices, fragrant and bold,
A soothing elixir for young and old,
It whispers tales of lands afar,
A balm for wounds, a guiding star.
Amidst the chaos and the storm,
A cup of chai can transform,
It brings a respite, a moment of peace,
A shared delight that will never cease.
So let the rains pour down like tears,
Let the sun scorch and awaken fears,
For in the heart of each cutting sip,
Lies a sanctuary, a gentle trip.
To a world where troubles fade away,
And all that’s left is the chai’s soft sway,
Let it be heavy rains or the harshest of sun,
Chai will always be the chosen one.